Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Meme!

I have so much to blog about but I've been tagged and since I ADORE Huckdoll how could I not do it....

How long have you been blogging?
Hmmm....I started this blog in August of 2007. I have another blog that's all family and personal that I've been doing since March of 2007.

What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors?
I guess I never realized that blogging was anything more than a way to share family info with friends and well, family. Then I read about Dawn and her pokemon cards. I had a few friends tell me that the stories I told them about my kids and our lives were just as funny and that I should start writing them down. So I did- electronically. I realized that I could write about just about anything I wanted and I do.

Mentors? Um....negativo! The job is open if someone is looking....

Are you trying to make money or just doing it for fun?
I'm not trying to make money. I do have ads on my blog and I've posted once or twice for pay per post but that's about it. The money would be nice but this space really is for me and anyone who wants to read. I like the fact that I can share with people "out there" and have them respond. I don't think I blog for fun but I blog because I like it. I enjoy the friendships I've formed. I enjoy sharing myself with others and I know that the people who are reading enjoy reading or are doing it to see if I mention them. So I guess the answer is just for fun....

What three things do you love about being online?
1.) The People: I love having friends all over the world. I enjoy knowing that moms and women in Australia and Canada are dealing with the same crap that I am and that they express it and deal with it in a similar manner. And it's not just moms and women, I enjoy finding people who have similar interests or who come from similar backgrounds. It's just fascinating to me.

2.) The therapeutic factor: It's the best and cheapest therapy around. I can get my thoughts out and I know someone out there will have had similar thoughts or experiences. I also know that they are kind enough to share their experiences. It's this outlet for my words that I don't know if I ever had before, even when I was in therapy!

3.) The peeping Tom factor: Sounds creepy right? I just mean that it's interesting to me to read about other peoples' lives. I'm fascinated by people. A people watcher at heart, I love learning about others and getting to know them. This allows for all of that in a semi controlled environment!

What three things do you struggle with online?
1.) Time management: Lunanik said it perfectly, I hope she doesn't mind that I borrowed....
"This seems to be a common one for us bloggers. How to post, read, comment, and buzz without neglecting the children or slacking on the job. I'm still striving to find the perfect balance. But, I'm getting closer and closer every day."

2.) Certain Topics: There are things I'd like to blog about but don't because I know some of my readers and I'd rather not deal with the real life implications. Then there are topics that I love writing about and can't get enough of but I worry that people get bored with it.

3.) Blogging Rules: Apparently there are blogging rules that I never even realized existed. I need to keep up on these apparently....


Anonymous said...

I'm a people watcher at heart too! I can't get enough of it.

Unknown said...

Great answers, S! I adore you too!

Anonymous said...

I started in August too! well that is when I came out of the bloggin closet so to speak.

Your three things are exactly what I would have said. Just slightly more potty mouthed I expect ;)

lattemommy said...

Rules, schmules. Your blog is your own - you write the rules.

And I hear what you say about censoring yourself regarding certain topics, since people you know read your blog. No one I know in real life (with the exception of my barista ex-boyfriend, and we all know how that turned out!) reads my blog, or even knows I have one. I continually find myself wanting to share my blog with people I love, and yet I hold back because I don't want to have to avoid certain topics or censor my feelings because of my readership. The joke is, though, I've never written anything I wouldn't want them to read. I just don't want to run into that problem in the future.

OHmommy said...

Good answers!

Cheers! I am pouring my vino as we speak!

Tara R. said...

I definitely share some of your "loves" and "struggles." Great answers!

ConverseMomma said...

You don't need a mentor. You are a blogging sage, my dear.

Mr Lady said...

There are no rules sister. Well, there is this one.


That is a great rule. I highly recommend it. :)

Anonymous said...

No rules except blog from the heart, be a good bloggy friend and realize that behind every blog is a real person. Oh wait - one rule. Don't forget to get your drink on when you're cruisin blogs on Fri and Sat nite!

Momo Fali said...

These could've been my answers! Especially the peeping Tom thing. Blogs are like reality TV, but way better!

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